AI and Robotics for Aging Population in Asia and the Pacific

Be a catalyst for change and propose AI and robotics solutions that transform aging into thriving. Innovate, collaborate, and help our elders age with grace and dignity. Submit your solution today and make a lasting impact!


Asia and the Pacific's population is aging rapidly, with projections indicating that by 2050, 1 in 4 individuals will be over 60, up from the current 13.5%. For example in People’s Republic of China, the rapidly aging population is projected to reach 28% over 60 by 2040. This swift demographic shift outpaces resource accumulation, raising concerns about social security support. Health challenges are significant, with over 57% of older adults in developing Asia having at least one non-communicable disease (NCD), and 31% reporting depression symptoms. Access to healthcare is uneven, as only 40% of older adults receive regular health checks, and 43% experience functional limitations with women disproportionately affected. Additionally, the large informal workforce (64% to 99%) is female including care workers, and faces limited labor protections and low pension coverage, leaving many without adequate income security in old age, making them more difficult to access quality health and long-term care systems.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, supporting access to long-term care, expanding universal health coverage, and investing in AI-powered diagnostics and assistive tools are recommended. Home-based care can be supported by remote diagnostics, consultation, and monitoring devices, particularly in rural areas, and technologies can help reduce social isolation, support family caregivers, and train and educate older people and their carers, to address these issues.



The primary objectives of the ADB Innovation Challenge on AI and Robotics for Aging Populations are to:

  • Identify and Support Innovative Solutions: Discover and promote cutting-edge AI and robotic technologies that can address the needs of aging populations in Asia and the Pacific.
  • Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including technology developers, healthcare providers, policymakers, and the elderly themselves.
  • Enhance Quality of Life: Improve the quality of life for older adults by providing solutions that enhance their health, mobility, safety, and social engagement.
  • Promote Sustainable Development: Contribute to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by addressing the social and economic impacts of aging populations through innovative technology.


The ADB Innovation Challenge on AI and Robotics for Aging Populations represents a unique opportunity to leverage advanced technologies to address one of the most significant demographic trends of our time. By fostering innovation and collaboration, we can develop sustainable solutions that enhance the lives of older adults and contribute to the broader goals of inclusive and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.