CAREC University Startup Generator 2024

CAREC University Startup Generator 2024 is calling all full-time university students from CAREC member countries to be part of CAREC region startup revolution! Join us to develop practical, entrepreneurial and soft skills while creating innovative solutions to tackle real-world social and corporate issues in the region. The event is supported by the Asian Development Bank and Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund.

Eligibility Criteria

Nationality of at least one of the CAREC countries

  • Must be enrolled as a full-time student in a Bachelor, Master, PhD program, or a technical and vocational education and training (TVET) program at a university or institution in a CAREC member country (Azerbaijan, People's Republic of China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) as of June 30, 2024. International students studying in any CAREC member country are welcome to apply.
  • Be under 30 years old by June 30, 2024
  • Team: Each team is formed by 3 to 4 students from the same university.
  • Commitment: Commit to completing tasks on time for 2 months.
  • Language: While not mandatory, fluent English speaking and writing is encouraged for effective communication 
*You are expected to submit all tasks and communicate with mentors/experts in English - so, it is advisable to have English-speaking person(s) in a team. Teams can use translation tools for their submission.


Guiding Questions

Here are two broad topics that CAREC Program concerns. Select one of the following topics, identify the challenge in your country or community, and develop innovative solutions.





Identify a problem related to sustainable development or climate change in your community. This could be about the environment, social inclusion, or protecting plants and animals. What innovative solution can you propose to address this challenge.


Example Solutions:

  • Affordable solar-powered irrigation systems combined with smart sensors to regulate water usage based on soil moisture levels.




Think about how technology can help solve important problems in education, healthcare, businesses, or public services. Propose a solution that uses technology to make things better in one of these areas, like making things easier to do, easier to reach, or better quality.


Example Solutions:

  • A telemedicine service that provides remote diagnostics and treatment options for rural communities lacking local healthcare facilities.


The projects will be assessed following the criteria below. Each of the criterion will be graded using scale from 1 to 10 (10=Excellent, 1=Poor). The weights of the scores (as percentages) for each criterion are indicated in the criterion headers.
  • Innovativeness (20%) - How innovative is the idea? Has the team proposed a significantly improved or entirely new solution for the selected problem?

  • Sustainability and Social Impact (20%) - Does it address social or environmental challenges effectively? Would this solution contribute to the community and sustainability?


  • Market Potential (20%) - Is the solution scalable? Is there potential for widespread impact? Can it be replicated and adapted to other markets?

  • Presentation Quality (20%) - Are the problem and solution clearly articulated? Is the presentation compelling and engaging?

  • Team Coordination (20%) - Does the team possess the necessary skillset and capacity? Is the team diverse in terms of gender and expertise?