Real-time Tracking of Resettlement Implementation

With COVID-19 how can we leverage better digital solutions to support ADB’s ability in obtaining feedback from affected communities and proactively taking steps to ensure safeguard implementation?

Challenge Overview

In this challenge, we aim to develop a dashboard where users can enter real-time data and access information on key involuntary resettlement safeguard indicators for ADB projects. This tool would be accessible to ADB’s clients (project Executing and Implementing agencies), the project resettlement external monitor, and ADB staff. 


Resettlement implementation for ADB-supported projects is guided by the ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS 2009). Access to real-time social safeguards information and feedback from project-affected communities is a challenge even in normal times. The difficulties have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in a “new normal” where ADB safeguards specialists are unable to carry out site visits to meet and obtain feedback from affected households.


With COVID-19 how can we leverage better digital solutions to support ADB’s ability in obtaining feedback from affected communities and proactively taking steps to ensure safeguard implementation? 


Your proposed solution would allow all involved parties to have a snapshot of project social safeguards performance anytime from anywhere. Furthermore, ADB will always be in the know on resettlement for the project and may act, as needed, ahead of the regular monitoring reports from the Executing Agency and the external monitor. Both ADB and the external monitor will be on the same page regarding information coming from the project sites. The ultimate beneficiaries of the tool would be ADB’s counterparts and project affected households from developing member countries (DMCs) whose feedback will be recorded and who will derive benefit from enhanced project implementation.



The winning solution will have potential seed funding of   USD 10,000  or more for selected pilots in ADB's developing member countries.