Rising Above the Heat: Innovative Cooling Solutions for Rural Women in Asia

Step up to the Technology Innovation Challenge and create innovative cooling solutions to empower rural women, advance food security, and strengthen resilience to extreme heat.


*NOTE: EOI submission deadline is July 31, 2024 at 23:59 (GMT+8). Please avoid submitting at the last minute as technical glitches may occur.


The projects will be assessed following the criteria below. Each of the criterion will be graded using scale from 1 to 10 (10=Excellent, 1=Poor). The weights of the scores (as percentages) for each criterion are indicated in the criterion headers.
  • Development Impact (30%) - How effective the technology solution is in resolving the development challenge. The relevance of the expected outputs and results and the likelihood that they will contribute to the set outcomes. The extent to which the technology solution can contribute to helping DMCs reach sustainable and inclusive development.

  • Project Team (20%) - The proposer has the necessary skills, experience, and ownership rights to successfully implement the project, modify the technology solution, and attain the expected results. Mobilizing women experts is an advantage.


  • Operational Feasibility and Scalability (20%) - The proposed solution and budget are acceptable, representing value for money for ADB and the relevant DMC, and are sufficient to implement, test, and verify the results, creating the intended development impact. The proposal also demonstrates the solution's viability for implementation in the selected ADB member country and its potential for scaling up in other ADB member countries.

  • Local Partnerships & Women's Engagement (20%) - The proposal should demonstrate a tailored design for the local context and meaningful engagement of local communities and women in designing the solutions. It should include local partnerships in the chosen DMC for implementation and sustainability, as well as a plan for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment at the community level.

  • Innovativeness (10%) - The extent to which the solution provides a novel approach in the given context. The technology solution is a new technology or new combination of technologies or solutions for the nominated DMC or technology context.