Digitising Health Financing

Calling innovative startups in Digital Health space! Apply & pilot your solution in a new market.




Yes, startups from around the world are welcome to apply. The challenge seeks innovative solutions that can benefit developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.

  • We welcome all individuals or teams to apply for this challenge. This is set up as a 100% virtual challenge delivered through remote online sessions to accommodate applicants from across the globe.
  • Innovative individual entrepreneurs, early-stage startups, proof of concept scale-ups, social enterprises, and organizations are all encouraged to apply
  • Has a team of at least 1-5 persons working on the project full time
  • Solution readiness level can range from drawing board level, to having undergone multiple rounds of iteration, and reaching the desired level of usability
  • We accept all ideas or solutions, regardless of whether they are at an early ideation stage or looking to adapt the current tech solution to address problem statements in the health financing sector, as long as they fulfill the requirements stated below:
    • The idea/solution is relevant to the identified developing country or a potential pilot partner, where it will further the goals of the health financing sector and/or have significant commercial potential
    • The idea/solution sits under one of the categories of health financing using digital technologies (like Digital payments, Insure Tech, Access to Health Entitlements, Fraud detection)
    • The idea/solution proposed is relevant to the challenge statements published on the challenge overview.
    • The idea/solution needs to be technology-based (e.g., Insure Tech solutions, e-wallets for health payments, digital lending for health sector etc.)
    • The idea/solution is either of the following:
      • Is a new product/service/process
      • Is new to a geographic market
      • Is new to the health financing sector

The challenge is open to a range of digital solutions towards creating efficient, timely and safe health financing systems. We encourage startups with solutions that address challenges in digital payments, insurance, fraud detection, public health schemes management etc. For details, refer to the challenge Target Areas to explore sub-areas of interest that you can explore within the published problem statement.


To apply, visit the challenge website and follow the instructions provided. Be sure to submit all required information and documents before the application deadline.

No, there is no participation fee. The challenge is open to eligible startups at no cost.

We will review all online applications and undergo rounds of shortlisting to select ~10 applications with idea/solutions that we deem to be a right fit for the published challenge statements. These ~10 teams will participate in the mentoring, pitch workshop and final pitch presentation phase and get the opportunity to engage with their potential pilot partners. At the end of this phase, the judging panel will select 2 innovative technologies as MVPs for further pilot testing and scale up support.

Refer selection criteria section here.

The judging panel will be a mix of technical and industry experts including ADB members, experts from health, finance, and government sector.



If your startup is shortlisted, you will have the opportunity to participate in a mentoring and pitch workshop to tailor your pitch and effectively showcase your value propositions. Shortlisted startups will also have a chance to present their final pitches to a judging panel which will be a mix of technical and industry experts.

Being selected grants you the opportunity to pilot your solution with a select developing country's government institutions, commercial organizations or industry players enabling you to demonstrate the real-world impact of your digital health solution.

Intellectual property rights will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, with the aim of ensuring a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement between the startup and the partner institution for the pilot.

Two selected final startups will receive USD 20,000 grant funding from ADB, along with other benefits from AWS. For details, please refer to the incentives to participate section here.


The selected final startups will be informed of the mode of engagement with the pilot partner and other logistics in due course, prior to the wrap up of innovations challenge.