2023年CAREC大学生创业挑战赛诚邀所有来自CAREC成员国的全日制大学生加入CAREC地区创业革命! 加入我们,发展实用、创业和软技能,同时打造创新的解决方案,以解决该地区社会和企业的现实问题。该活动由亚洲开发银行和大韩民国电子亚洲和知识伙伴关系基金支持。
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Award Ceremony
On April 26, the CAREC Secretariat hosted an award ceremony to announce the selected teams of the CAREC University Startup Generator 2023. The eight-week long innovation challenge was aimed at promoting collaboration and engagement among university students in the CAREC region and to strengthen the overall startup ecosystem.
A total of 168 teams representing 580 students from 10 CAREC countries participated in the program. These teams made substantial progress on research, brainstorming, and business plan development. On March 29, 10 teams were shortlisted to present their ideas and projects during the Pitching Day.
Congratulations again to all our selected teams!