/* Hide edit button - TS-9944 - Billie - 1NOV2024 */ #challenge-1024 #participation-form #participation-submit { display: none; } /* Hide participate button - TS-9898 - Billie - 17OCT2024 */ #challenge-1046 #participate-btn { display: none; } /* List of Challenge Banner mobile new image - Billie -27MAR2024 */ @media (max-width: 767px) { .challenges-index .header-page { background-image: url('https://cdn.fs.agorize.com/FDGPmIIATyO0avNjjEuC'); background-size: contain; background-color: #33c3cc; } } /* List of Challenge Banner responsiveness - Kai - 27MARCH2024 */ .header-page { min-height: 300px; background-image: url("https://cdn.fs.agorize.com/K3QhMFwYSHO02mbxunH7"); } /* Change List of Challenge Banner - Quynh - 25MARCH2024 */ body > div.main > div:nth-child(6) > div.header-page > div.container > div > div > h1 {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);} body > div.main > div:nth-child(6) > div.header-page > div.container > div > div > p {color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);} /* Fix Conversations text wrap causing layout breaks - Billie - 09MAY2023 */ .conversations-panel .message-body p { overflow-wrap: anywhere; } /* Custom catalog display - Billie - 13MAR2023 */ .catalog-project-card .content .communities { display: none; } .open-modal .files .collapse-actions .jury.list-item, .open-modal .team-questions .collapse-actions .jury.list-item { display: none; } .catalog-modal .catalog-modal-view .project-comments { display: none !important; } .catalog-modal .base-button-icon { background: #fff; border-radius: 6px; } .catalog .project-filter .content .project-refinement-list:nth-child(5), .catalog .project-filter .content .project-refinement-list:nth-child(8), .catalog .project-filter .content .project-refinement-list:nth-child(10), .catalog .project-filter .content .project-refinement-list:last-child { display: none; } #app .catalog-modal .team-questions, #app .catalog-modal .files { display: none; } #app .catalog-modal .project-viewer .section { display: none; } /* Hide tags on catalog - Yohan - October 12th */ .catalog .subtitle {display: none !important;} .catalog .categories {display: none !important;} .catalog .bottom-content {display: none !important;} .catalog-modal-view .stats {display: none !important;} /* Fix sticky header in "My messages" that covers the step dropdown - Billie - 29MAR21 */ .admin-conversations .panel-split .panel-body { z-index: 0; } div.header-page > div.overlay { background-color: transparent; } #challenge-16 #enrollment-nav .friend-list > div > p { display: none; } #challenge-16 #enrollment-nav .friend-list > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div > div > span{ display: none; } #challenge-16 #enrollment-nav .friend-list .media-photo.media-empty span { display: none; } #challenge-150 > div.main > div.menu-static.absolute > div.navbar-tabs.bg-white.text-center > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a{ display: none; } #challenge-150 > div.main > div.menu-static.absolute { display: none; } #challenge-151 > div.main > div.menu-static.absolute > div.navbar-tabs.bg-white.text-center > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a{ display: none; } #challenge-151 > div.main > div.menu-static.absolute { display: none; } #challenge-153 > div.main > div.menu-static.absolute > div.navbar-tabs.bg-white.text-center > ul > li:nth-child(3) > a{ display: none; } #challenge-153 > div.main > div.menu-static.absolute { display: none; }